About Timberstone

What is Timberstone Consulting About?

Timberstone is about YOU, not about us. Our team is here to support your company’s leaders and teams in the pursuit of your vision. We do this through coaching, leadership development processes and programs , strategy- and vision-building (company-wide, team-level, AND individually), and helping you create a culture that supports and nourishes your most critical assets.

Who are We?

A team of certified executive coaches, leadership and organizational development consultants, and Talent professionals. With deep, practical experience and heart for the work. Our job? To challenge YOU – to think bigger, broader, bolder. Bring shoulder-to-shoulder service to your mission and vision. Offer perspective and support as your trusted partners. Enable your success through support to your leaders when and where they need it.



Partnership Vendorship
Clarity Chaos
Support Prescription
Change Stagnation