People & Culture

Can you have the very best people without the very best culture? Or, vice versa…?

Either seems unlikely. The best people are attracted to the best cultures – and, of course, great cultures are created and supported by the best people. Creating both takes intention and focus – but both pay off immensely!

Timberstone consultants can help you to stand back and look at your people strategies and cultural environment.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Assessing your culture today
  • Helping you envision what you want today and need tomorrow in order to grow and thrive

  • Widely include team members to help shape it, embrace it, model it, and share it

  • Unleash engagement to build a great place to work AND grow the business



Engagement Resistance
Innovation Stagnation
Inclusion Division
Bench strength Promoting only the “usual suspects”
Loyalty Turnover