leadership development

The timeless question: Are leaders born that way – or can they learn the mindset and skills?

While we believe certain inborn leadership characteristics can be helpful, the tools and practices of effective leadership can definitely be trained, coached, mentored, practiced, and honed. Timberstone will create custom leadership development programs and processes for your new, experienced, and aspiring leaders – aiming for exactly what they need, when they need it, and that work in your environment. We’ll help you to uncover potential, priorities and possibilities in your leadership suite.

Sample leadership development topics:

  • Leading change and resiliency

  • Creating vision, mission, purpose and intentional culture

  • Coaching, feedback, and communication skills

  • Inspiring, motivating and influencing others

  • Interpersonal and emotional intelligence

  • Strategic/systems thinking

  • Decision-making



Practical Theoretical
Individualized One-size fits all
Fun with purpose Dry and academic
Relevant Boilerplate
Active Passive